
2024/06/28 blog

Here is a summary of the content from the uploaded screenshot:


The conversation revolves around the concept of conspiracy theories as a psychological escape mechanism. The initial post suggests that conspiracy theories are fundamentally not about personal failure but about inevitable failures due to unseen powerful forces. This is posited as a way to rationalize feelings of defeat (self-justification of escape due to a sense of defeat), which resonates with many people, especially those in lower social strata, because it provides a comforting explanation.

A response agrees, highlighting that blaming politics for personal hardships (like those promoted by the opposition parties) is another form of this rationalization. There’s a discussion about how this need for comfort can lead people to latch onto conspiracy theories to soothe themselves.

Further comments note that the idea of needing a side job as Japanese society declines has been echoed for over a decade. Yet, as people age, their chances of finding such opportunities diminish, leading some to cling to conspiracy theories for consolation. There’s advice to avoid attacking or mocking those who believe in these theories, as it could lead to backlash.

Another comment criticizes the spread of false information and warns that it won’t improve one’s situation. The overall sentiment is one of resignation and a critique of the current state of societal and economic affairs, with some noting that simply complaining won’t bring about change.


Conspiracy Theories as Psychological Escape Mechanisms in Modern Society

In recent discussions, the role of conspiracy theories as a psychological escape mechanism has come to the forefront. Fundamentally, these theories are not about acknowledging personal failure. Instead, they serve as a rationalization for inevitable failures attributed to unseen, powerful forces. This perspective offers a comforting explanation for many, particularly those in lower social strata, by justifying their sense of defeat as unavoidable.

One user remarked that this tendency is akin to blaming politics for personal hardships. Political rhetoric from opposition parties often emphasizes how poor governance is to blame for individual struggles. This form of rationalization aligns closely with the appeal of conspiracy theories, as it provides a clear, external source of blame.

Another perspective highlighted the longstanding discourse about the necessity of side jobs due to the declining Japanese society. This notion has persisted for over a decade, yet as people age, their opportunities to secure such side jobs diminish, leading them to find solace in conspiracy theories. These theories, though potentially baseless, offer a form of consolation in an otherwise bleak economic landscape.

There is also a cautionary note about the spread of false information. One comment emphasized that blaming others or spreading misinformation will not improve one’s circumstances. Instead, it reinforces a cycle of inaction and despair. This sentiment reflects a broader critique of societal and economic conditions, suggesting that merely complaining about the situation is insufficient for real change.

Ultimately, the discussion underscores the complex interplay between psychological needs and societal conditions. Conspiracy theories, while often dismissed as irrational, fulfill a critical role in providing comfort and a sense of understanding in an uncertain world. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for addressing the underlying issues that drive people towards such beliefs.

