
what’s is called in japanese who output only their shits especially means neets

In Japanese, individuals who are “Not in Education, Employment, or Training” are referred to as NEETs (ニート, nīto), a term derived from the English acronym. NEETs are typically young adults who are disengaged from societal norms of working or studying and are often seen as unproductive members of society. They may live off their parents or other forms of support and avoid traditional responsibilities[1][6][7].

A related but distinct term is hikikomori (引きこもり), which refers to individuals who withdraw from social life entirely, often isolating themselves in their homes for extended periods. While many hikikomori are also NEETs, not all NEETs are hikikomori. The key difference lies in the level of social withdrawal: hikikomori involves extreme isolation, whereas NEETs may still engage in some social activities[2][6][22].

The phrase “output only their shits” seems to metaphorically describe a perception of NEETs as individuals who contribute minimally to society while consuming resources. This reflects the stigma associated with NEETs in Japan, where societal norms emphasize hard work and productivity[3][7].

[1] NEET, ニート, nīto – Nihongo Master https://www.nihongomaster.com/japanese/dictionary/word/154075/ni%E3%83%BCto-%EF%BC%AE%EF%BC%A5%EF%BC%A5%EF%BC%B4-%E3%83%8B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88
[2] NEET vs. Hikikomori: Understanding Japan’s Social Phenomena https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/neet-vs-hikikomori-understanding-japans-social-phenomena-47b3500269c3?gi=7eeb34943c71
[3] The NEET, What’s up with Japan’s Youth? – YABAI http://yabai.com/p/2715
[4] Do most native speakers know what ‘neet’ mean? – Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/comments/1cm8rpw/do_most_native_speakers_know_what_neet_mean/
[5] The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and … https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4540084/
[6] NEET ニート – Japanese with Anime https://www.japanesewithanime.com/2016/10/neet.html
[7] Meet Japan’s NEET: Young People Choosing to Be Unemployed https://guidable.co/work/meet-japans-neet-young-people-choosing-to-be-unemployed/
8 ‘Don’t Let Your Child Become a NEET!’ The Strategic … https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233322382_’Don’t_Let_Your_Child_Become_a_NEET’_The_Strategic_Foundations_of_a_Japanese_Youth_Scare
[9] その心笑ってるね 名言 Sticker by ニート商事 ( neet ) ∞ SUZURI https://suzuri.jp/neet/7949272/sticker/m/white?locale=en
[10] 22. Asertion: Lencho was angry when he counted the money.Reason https://askfilo.com/user-question-answers-smart-solutions/22-asertion-lencho-was-angry-when-he-counted-the-money-3133303931323334
[11] Popular Digital Printing Services On T Shirt in Esplanade, Kolkata https://www.justdial.com/Kolkata/Digital-Printing-Services-On-T-Shirt-in-Esplanade/nct-11247763
[12] NEET – NEETpride – WordPress.com https://neetpride.wordpress.com/tag/neet/
[13] NEET – General Discussion – JROCK ONE https://forum.jrockone.com/t/neet/3851
[14] If you say “niito desune.” (Trying to say “You’re neat.”), Japanese … https://www.instagram.com/am_japanese_sushi_ramen/reel/CxffLqNSjn7/
15 The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and … https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281205104_The_NEET_and_Hikikomori_spectrum_Assessing_the_risks_and_consequences_of_becoming_culturally_marginalized
[16] NEET – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET
[17] The relationship between Hikikomori risk factors and social … https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9812485/
[18] What is a NEET? – Japan Powered https://www.japanpowered.com/japan-culture/what-is-a-neet
[19] The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and … https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2433/214324
[20] EXAMINING THE CULTURAL MARGINALISATION THEORY OF … https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/psysoc/advpub/0/advpub_2020-A120/_article/-char/ja/
[21] NEET is japanese terminology, not international … – Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5993867
[22] Hikikomori – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori
[23] [PDF] The NEET and Hikikomori spectrum: Assessing the risks and … https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-NEET-and-Hikikomori-spectrum:-Assessing-the-and-Uchida-Norasakkunkit/53c90eaa8dbad6983b953c94fd96a0e4b4742d68
[24] NEET – Wiktionary, the free dictionary https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/NEET
[25] Japan’s NEET : r/antiwork – Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/duwri9/japans_neet/
[26] Japan’s NEET Problem – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeaSYHxiO14
[27] EXAMINING THE CULTURAL MARGINALISATION THEORY OF … https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/psysoc/63/1/63_2020-A120/_pdf
[28] Meet Japan’s NEET: Young People Choosing to Be Unemployed https://guidable.co/work/meet-japans-neet-young-people-choosing-to-be-unemployed/

