
ノリ is same meaning to 恣意的 but broken

The word ノリ (nori) and the concept of 恣意的 (shiiteki) have distinct meanings, and while they may share some abstract connections in certain contexts, they are not directly equivalent.

ノリ (Nori)

  • Meaning: In slang, ノリ refers to mood, vibe, enthusiasm, or the act of going along with the atmosphere or rhythm of a situation. It often describes someone’s ability to match or adapt to the energy of a group or event. For example:
  • ノリがいい means someone is upbeat and easily joins the mood.
  • ノリでやる implies doing something impulsively or without much thought, “going with the flow.”
  • Usage: It is casual and commonly used in social or fun settings to describe someone’s energy or attitude.

恣意的 (Shiiteki)

  • Meaning: 恣意的 translates to “arbitrary” or “subjective.” It refers to actions, decisions, or interpretations based on personal preference, whim, or lack of objective reasoning. For example:
  • A decision described as 恣意的 may lack fairness or consistency.
  • Usage: This term is formal and often used in discussions about logic, law, linguistics, or ethics to critique subjective or biased actions.


Aspectノリ (Nori)恣意的 (Shiiteki)
MeaningMood, vibe, enthusiasmArbitrary, subjective
ContextSocial, casualFormal, analytical
ConnotationPositive (fun, energetic)Neutral/Negative (biased, inconsistent)
Usage Exampleノリで決めた (“I decided on a whim”)恣意的な判断 (“An arbitrary decision”)


The only potential link between the two is that ノリでやる (acting impulsively based on mood) could sometimes result in decisions that might be perceived as 恣意的 (arbitrary). However, this connection is situational and does not make their meanings interchangeable.

1 ノリ ( = nori) & ノる ( = noru) – Maggie Sensei https://maggiesensei.com/2011/10/01/slang-%E3%83%8E%E3%83%AA-nori-%E3%83%8E%E3%82%8B-noru-%E2%99%AA%E3%80%80/
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