
ハイデガー 基本情報 まとめ


今日は、ドイツの哲学者マルティン・ハイデッガー(Martin Heidegger)についてお話ししたいと思います。


彼の代表的な著作の1つは、「存在と時間」(Sein und Zeit)です。この著作では、彼は「ダーゼイン」という概念を提唱し、人間の存在そのものを分析しています。彼は、人間が世界に存在することによって、自己を理解することができると主張しています。




In Heidegger’s philosophy, “possibility” (Möglichkeit in German) has a very specific meaning. For Heidegger, possibility refers to the potentiality or capacity of something to become or to be realized in the future. It is closely related to his concept of “being,” which he also calls “being-there” or Dasein.

Heidegger argues that human beings, as Dasein, are characterized by their openness to possibilities. Unlike other beings, which are limited to their given nature or essence, human beings have the ability to project themselves into the future and to realize their potentialities. This means that human beings are always in a state of becoming, of being able to be otherwise than they currently are.

According to Heidegger, this openness to possibilities is what gives human beings their sense of meaning and purpose in life. By recognizing and embracing the possibilities that are available to us, we can give shape and direction to our lives and create a sense of fulfillment.

However, Heidegger also warns that our modern, technological society has led us to forget about our fundamental openness to possibilities. By focusing too much on efficiency and productivity, we have lost touch with the deeper dimensions of our existence and have become estranged from our true selves.

In conclusion, for Heidegger, possibility is a central concept that captures the essential nature of human existence as Dasein. It is through our openness to possibilities that we can find meaning and purpose in life, and it is by recognizing and embracing our potentialities that we can live authentic and fulfilling lives.






